Frank Wilkinson Tribute: <center>South Central Farmers-A Message to the Mayor</center>

This blog is dedicated to Frank Wilkinson. Frank's family wanted to have a place where the people who knew Frank would have a place to share their thoughts, remembrances, and feelings about Frank. Please post text, photos, drawings, or anything else you'd like to express yourself.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

South Central Farmers-A Message to the Mayor

From Jason Wilkinson regarding a problem in Los Angeles and a sample letter that can be used to send to our mayor to let him know there is opposition.

Hi Michael,

Please post the following to Frank's Blog, I bet he would have wanted people to know about whats going with the South Central Farmers. The city is poised to take away land from the largely immigrant community who have been farming the land.


Honorable Antonio Villaraigosa
Mayor of Los Angeles
200 N. Main St. Rm 303
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Dear Honorable Antonio Villaraigosa:

We have been recently informed of the decision of the California Supreme Court to deny review of the South Central Farmers’ petition for review. We understand that this situation leaves the South Central Farmers in a very vulnerable situation. They have been left at the mercy of a real estate developer who has demonstrated an intense desire to destroy 13 years worth of a successful community farm.

We call upon you to reconsider this calamity. When Mayor Bradley mitigated this land to the community after the 1992 uprisings it was to address the economic inequities. This project has been able to do this for this community. It is an essential safety net for the working poor of South Central Los Angeles. For the last 13 years it has helped to alleviate the effects of poverty and malnutrition in our low-income communities. These farmers have been able to help themselves at no expense to the taxpayers, aside from the land use.

Why would the City of Los Angeles be interested in destroying such a successful project? This is the fundamental question that we would like to pose your administration. On the contrary, this model should be replicated across the City of Los Angeles, and every other highly densely populated city. People who help themselves are of a greater value to our communities. It demonstrates a greater commitment to better community building.

We are calling upon you to reconsider the legacy of Mayor Bradley. Please do not destroy this 13-year project that has become an asset in South Central Los Angeles. We call upon you to reconsider the destruction of the 14-acre community farm in South Central Los Angeles. We feel that there can be an alternative for Mr. Ralph Horowitz along the Alameda Corridor.



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